
Characters on the Couch
Film & Television Blog

by Dr. Sandra Cohen

(Ingmar Bergman 1958)
Turning Away From Love &
What It Takes To Open A Heart Again

Antonius Block is a Knight in despair. A kind of despair that puts him right into a fight for his life. A fight that forces him to challenge Death to a chess game, determined to outwit him. Can he do it? What will it take to tip our Knight’s waning hourglass back in his favor?…

Read More about THE SEVENTH SEAL (Ingmar Bergman 1958) Turning Away From Love &What It Takes To Open A Heart Again

Guilt & Shame
How Self-Sacrifice Ruins A Life

Shame can ruin a life. A mistake can force a woman to live in self-sacrifice. For Diane, the reasons why are hidden in the loaded question: “How is Brian?” This question haunts her through the entirety of Kent Jones’ character-driven film, Diane. Not only is Brian Diane’s alcoholic and drug-addicted son, but underneath her attempts…

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Humbert & Lolita?
Pathological Reactions To Loss

We’ve all been intrigued with Stanley Kubrick’s Lolita since the classic film arrived on the scene in 1962. But, isn’t the burning question: Is there more to understand about Humbert and Lolita beyond, “he’s a pedophile and she’s a troubled 14-year-old seductress?” The answer is yes, there’s plenty. Believe it or not, both have pathological…

Read More about LOLITA Humbert & Lolita? Pathological Reactions To Loss