Characters on the Couch
Film & Television Blog
by Dr. Sandra Cohen
Why A Boy Needs Adolf Hitler
As His Imaginary Friend
When you’re a scared little boy in the middle of a war and your father’s missing, Adolf Hitler can become your best friend. That is, in your mind at least. And, why not? He’s the man with the most power in all of Germany. What better friend to help you stand up to your fears?…
What Makes A Man Not Feel?
Does Frank Sheeran really have no conscience? How can a man kill with no compunction – and not feel anything? In Martin Scorsese’s engagingly (and not too long), fictionalized film, The Irishman, we watch Frank as he moves up the ladder of The International Brotherhood of Teamsters. With just a little help from his friends.…
Killer Voices In Your Head…
Quentin Tarantino, in his brilliantly conceived and “executed” Once Upon A Time In Hollywood, has turned the tides on one of the most horrific events in Hollywood history. The Manson family murders of Sharon Tate, her unborn baby, and her friends, on a night that robbed them of their futures. Yet, what interests me most…