Posts Tagged ‘toby jones’
If You’re Lied To & Controlled
Paranoia Is Reasonable
No one in Wayward Pines has any independence at all. And, ironically, it happens to be Independence Day. Yet, what do you do with that? Be paranoid? Maybe. Because when you’re being controlled, it makes sense to be paranoid. Especially in Wayward Pines, where you live in a world made up of lies, secrets, and…
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Watch Out For Arrogant People
The people of Wayward Pines can’t watch out now. It’s too late. But it’s important to distinguish between arrogant people and someone who wants to help. Arrogance gives you no Choices. Truly, there couldn’t be a more ironic title for Episode 6 of Wayward Pines. Because no one who ended up in Wayward Pines really…
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A Mind Of Your Own?
Think Again.
We’re being led astray in The Truth, just like the people in Wayward Pines. The big reveal seems far from the real story. Otherwise, why was Dr. Jenkins (Toby Jones) AKA David Pilcher in Seattle telling Ethan’s boss (who wanted to call it off), “It’s been done, Adam? Nothing for you to worry about.” Why did…
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