Watch Out For Arrogant People
Watch Out For Arrogant People
The people of Wayward Pines can’t watch out now. It’s too late. But it’s important to distinguish between arrogant people and someone who wants to help. Arrogance gives you no Choices. Truly, there couldn’t be a more ironic title for Episode 6 of Wayward Pines. Because no one who ended up in Wayward Pines really had a choice. Did they?
As Episode 6 unfolds, we see that everyone in Wayward Pines is a casualty of scientist David Pilcher’s (Toby Jones) arrogance. Perhaps his grandiose ideas about a new “extraordinary life” seduced them. Or, they were strong-armed because they had no other options. Mostly, they were abducted against their will. In any event, what we end up with is a good example of what can happen when someone else is in control of your life.
How Arrogant People Trick You
The truth is, David Pilcher wouldn’t say he was playing God. In fact, he’d say he was trying to give people a second chance. That’s always the justification for any form of arrogance. An arrogant person always “knows what’s best for you.” They’re only trying to make your life better. And, they’re doing it because they have to. Indeed, they’re saving you.
Above all, arrogant people will never admit they’ve done anything wrong. Certainly not that they have no regard for any ideas but their own. Nor no desire to listen to your thoughts or feelings or personal wishes. Just like David Pilcher, they have to prove they’re right. And, they get a perverse pleasure out of doing it (just look at David Pilcher’s smile).
A Vulnerable Person Gets Pulled In
A vulnerable person can get pulled in. This could be someone who has considerable self-doubt. Who already feels trapped or desperate; or is afraid of speaking up. Maybe – a person with a history of abuse; or dependent on the person exerting the controls. This kind of control can come in the form of a David Pilcher. A parent. Husband. Wife. Teacher. Therapist. It can be anyone who abuses the power or authority they have when it comes to someone else’s life.
The results are devastating. We see that in Wayward Pines. Group A or Group B, it doesn’t really matter. Group A was told the truth about their cyronic preservation and being woken 2000 years later. Was it the truth they couldn’t handle, or the fact that they had no say in ending up where they did? I’m sure it was the latter.
Group B has been lied to, except for the children, and is kept under control by severe rules to prevent them from thinking about the past. Or thinking at all, punishable by threats and death if they try to investigate or get out. Group A died of frantic attempts to run or of suicide. Group B has insurgents who plot various methods of escape.
Robbed of Freedom & What Happens
The results are just different expressions of what happens when people are robbed of freedom and choice over their lives. What do we see? We see despair; suspicion; fear; giving up and going along; taking on the characteristics of the abuser. Rebellion. We see it all in Wayward Pines. It’s an impossible way to live.
David Pilcher has his grandiose idea for a new world. Yet, trying to prove he’s a Noah or a God of sorts hasn’t worked exactly as he planned. Now, he’s turning to Ethan (Matt Dillon). Will Ethan really be able to overturn Pilcher’s controls? Or will he become a person of suspicion if he doesn’t do what Pilcher expects?
Currently, we see him eying Ethan with distrust. And, it’s likely that Pilcher’s telling him Wayward Pines needs a “good person” like Ethan to get Ethan to do what Pilcher wants. An arrogant man never really looks for anyone else’s advice. He believes he has the answers. And, remember, he always has to be right.