WOMAN OF THE HOUR: Seeing (Or Not Seeing) Red Flags

Woman of the Hour: Seeing (or not Seeing) Red Flags

Who will hurt you the most? That’s the hidden question in Anna Kendrick’s Woman of the Hour.  And, as a woman, how do you tell? It’s by seeing (or not seeing) red flags. Sometimes, you can’t see them when you’re lonely or hungry for attention and love. Other times, when you have reasons not to…

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HIS THREE DAUGHTERS: Fear of Loss = Disconnection

HIS THREE DAUGHTERS Fear of More Loss = Disconnection

When you’ve already lost too much and live in fear of more loss, that can make you disconnect. This is where we find the three sisters in Azazel Jacobs‘s His Three Daughters. Disconnected. They each have a method of disconnection and each has her reasons. But disconnection is lonely and creates more loss, even if…

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INSIDE OUT: Why Sadness Matters, Especially After Trauma

Inside Out Why Feeling Sadness Matters Especially After Trauma

Sadness matters. Especially after trauma. Every feeling matters—all the time. Feelings are normal and human. We all have them. Yet, do you – Fight them? Hide them? Feel Shame about them? Want to crawl under a table if they show? Peter Doctor’s Inside Out isn’t just a children’s movie. It’s for everyone who struggles with…

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A Lonely Nomad’s Land of Loss

Nomadland A Lonely Nomad in a Land of Loss

Loss can feel like a nowhere land of moving aimlessly from feeling to feeling, from place to place, inside your mind. Loss can make you feel like a lonely nomad. You’ve lost the home you know, with a person that you love. There is sadness, anger, and memories – as you grapple with the challenges…

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