Not A Trainwreck
A Women’s Self-Esteem Advocate

Amy Schumer just might be the most vocal supporter and spokeswoman for twenty and thirty-something women. They all need her for their all-too-common struggles with self-esteem, body image, sexuality, and doubts about their lovability. We all do at whatever age. Thankfully, Amy likes “tackling the stuff nobody else talks about, like the darkest, most serious thing about yourself.” Someone’s got to do it. It’s what I do, as a psychotherapist, if these struggling women make it into my office.

Many don’t seek therapy, though, and these self-doubts and insecurities can seriously get in the way of satisfying relationships. Not to mention – happiness. Bravo to Amy for standing up for a woman’s right to be herself. Not be torn down by the media or some rude commentary (even by the demeaning dialog inside her own head) – if she doesn’t measure up to the prevailing cultural “standards” on beauty. As Amy says, “Fuck that.” Yes, those “standards” have to be fought. They aren’t healthy and they just aren’t true.

Here’s What Amy Schumer Has To Say

Here’s Amy, in her speech at the Gloria Awards and Gala, hosted by the Ms. Foundation for Women in 2014, on how easily self-esteem can be stripped away: “I did morning radio last week, and a DJ asked, ‘Have you gained weight? You seem chunkier to me.” He said, “You should strike while the iron is hot, Amy. And it’s all gone. In an instant … all my self-worth is based on what you can see. But then I think, Fuck that. I am a woman with thoughts and questions and shit to say. (Yes, Amy!) I say if I’m beautiful. (Bravo!) I am not who I sleep with. (Exactly!) I am not my weight. (So True!) I am not my mother. (Never!) … I am myself.”

Trainwreck, Amy’s new film, in the box office on July 17th, will tackle more of those issues head-on – in typical Amy Schumer fashion: up-front and honest. I’m fairly certain that the film will show the problem is not just cultural stereotypes. It’s also family injunctions and passed on parental beliefs that have a big impact on self-perception and fears of love. Stay tuned for more when Trainwreck hits the theaters this week.

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Dr. Sandra E. Cohen

I’m Dr. Sandra Cohen, a psychologist and psychoanalyst in private practice in Beverly Hills, CA. I write about Film to offer insight into the real human problems revealed on the screen in the character's psychological struggles. I work with individuals and creatives who want a chance to do personal work. Call at 310.273.4827 or email me at to schedule a confidential discussion to explore working together. I offer a complimentary 25-minute Zoom consultation.